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Internal comms

Internal communications #

Our internal communications aim to keep everyone at dxw up-to-date and engaged with our priorities, progress, projects and ways of working. 

We use a range of internal channels to help us share information, ask questions, make suggestions, collaborate and do social things.

We want everyone to feel connected to our mission and part of the team.

Playbook #

The Playbook is where we explain our agreed ways of working. It’s also where we publish pay, benefits and other people policy information.

The main audience for the Playbook is staff, but it’s available to anyone because we think there’s value in our clients and people who might come to work here knowing how we do things.

Bikesheds #

Bikesheds are internal blog posts that go to everyone in the company. Anyone can publish a Bikeshed and they are automatically shared via Slack #general and email. 

We publish certain types of Bikesheds regularly:

Slack #

Slack is the online equivalent of the office. It enables us to have conversations with the whole company, groups and individuals in public or private channels. 

Messages are usually short and relatively informal and often point to sources of more detailed information. For example, a Bikeshed, the Playbook, or an external link.

Guidance on how we use Slack 

Meetings and other get-togethers #

We meet regularly online or in person. Sometimes as the whole company or more often in project, profession or other groups.

We do this to share important information, work together on internal or external projects, team build or just get to know each other better.

Regular company meet-ups open to all staff include:

Last updated: 6 August 2024 (history)